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 What I Do For You

Work Of
Laura Marie Pepsin 


My Wedding Photography Story​

Well here it is. Sooner or later it's going to be your time to interview me. And, you're going to ask me these questions. Here it is. I am ready to shoot your wedding.  Let's do this. Let's do this now. Book me now. So, I can get you into my schedule and we'll go from here to customize a perfect plan to create a perfect fit between us.

So, here's the deal. I've been a professional photographer on and off, with some pretty impressive professional careers in-between.  I have taken it up seriously again, you know ,since the early two thousands, reopened my studio, just 6 years ago to the public officially. But , my focus was not totally on wedding photography, not really.  I learned wedding photography when I was younger, when it came to working in the post processing field ,working in the photo lab and with the dark room photographer,  processing wedding photos and photo restorations , event photos and everything , yes , learning how to make the photo accurately, as well as into a work of art, as well as being a photographer and working with other photographers and learning the industry and learning about the business. ​I developed film and printed photos for hundreds of weddings. So after a lifetime of careers and professional photography experience, I guess I put weddings behind me, considering they were my basic training.

This time around, I am choosing to specialize in the wedding business, in Florida ,although my focus had been different.  I had a different aim. I wasn't aiming at the wedding industry but fell in love with it. I was thinking along the lines of travel photography, of going to fashion week ,getting jobs with nature magazines ,contributing to charitable & environmental websites. That was my aim. I wasn't aiming at settling down, so, the wedding industry hadn't made a real impact on my focus yet. Now that I've settled down in Central Florida, I've been aiming at keeping my business more domestic. Doing a lot of photography work, industrial ,environmental, commercial and portrait photography, families ,portraits, occasions and events. But I hadn't yet really focused on the wedding industry. I had never been married, never had children. So maybe I thought that disqualified me a little. You know because everybody who has a family wedding to go to, thinks that they're a wedding photographer. And I don't want to insult anybody but every mom who has a camera thinks she's a professional photographer when she gets a cute kid.  â€‹

 Now I probably happened into the wedding industry a little bit accidentally. As a real mega pro professional photographer , I am always butting heads with other professionals really digging deep into the industry, learning, blogging, educating and getting educated myself, mentoring and teaching newbies. I like to jump in and help other people ,I like to share my knowledge ,experience and education with other photographers, so, I'm always out there socializing with other photographers. Getting into webinars, seminars,  social media groups, all of the time really delving deep into meeting the people in the industry. This is what I do. Somehow ,I happened into meeting a lot of wedding photographers. And, somehow I got taken under their wing. And somehow I found out that, hey, I could really do this and I really like it. I fell in love with the wedding photography industry. I jumped off the deep end into the wedding photography industry, doing trade shows ,styled shoots, seminars ,webinars, online workshops and education and photography groups and butting heads with other wedding photographers, intentionally throwing myself to the wolves and getting my ass kicked by them.​

 I intentionally threw myself to the wolves to see what they were going to do to me. I told them ,that I want to be a wedding photographer, now ,as well as all of the other photography endeavors that  I already have in my life as a professional photographer. They took me under their wing. Maybe I didn't realize it,  I already had it all, and still was missing out on something that's really a lot of fun. Fun. I didn't realize it was fun. It's really fun. And I really love the wedding industry. I love it so much. So I jumped off the deep end and got to the trade shows and got to start knowing vendors in the area. Then the Covid19 twenty-twenty year of the industry shutdown hit. ​

Since then I've been at home, though I did some trade shows and styled shoots before the shutdown hit. Since then I've been at home and I have been round the clock intensely focusing on my education, learning the wedding industry inside and out .I have done nothing but 24/7 learning webinars, workshops, seminars , educational videos, educational groups , delving in deep into the wedding photography industry and learning from my peers and mentors , joining wedding groups and listening to real couples planning real weddings. I follow all the vendors, florists, caterers, venues, wedding planners, entertainers, bridal salons , and bakers and more. A well know photographer said something like, that the more photos that you see, the better photographer you will be. So, I look at as many wedding photos as I can get my eyes on. Tell me your vision and I am going to do my homework to make it happen for you. And here I am ready to shoot you. If I can go to Daytona bike week and shoot 4000 bikers and I can go to Mecum Auctions, and shoot 3000 cars, believe me ,I can shoot a few hundred people at weddings, no problem. Most certainly my professional photography experience by far meets and exceeds all of the industry standards of the wedding photography industry, from client experience, to price package offers, from creativity, workflow and quality to delivery, I excel at flexibility and ability to work with others. I have excelled in photographic experience above and beyond the basic wedding shoot.​

I am finding a passion for all the elements of the wedding world and loving fashion as it pertains to the real people wearing fashion in the wedding industry. As a humanitarian artist, I had not been aiming for a local following but for creating the universal following ,as well as enjoying some celebrity following. I had picked up a bit of a celebrity following, just working in the beauty industry, and picked it up again, when I started shooting again in Florida in 2002. My books and music have also developed quite an international following and popularity, especially in some other countries where new age music may be more popular of a mainstream genre, of the majority, in India and Africa.  I did have music channels on  iTunes and I can't think of the dozens other names of the other ones, for a few years, but now I just sell the music on Amazon. Actually I developed quite a following among the people of the country of India and some of Africa on my iHeartRadio and Spotify channels. Now I just sell the music,  books and educational tools on Amazon .​

I'm enjoying being settled down in Eastern Central Florida. This is where I want to stay. I'd like to get to meet a lot more vendors, a lot more venues and get to know more people here. I have been a member of the chamber of commerce. I have been in Florida for 21 years. I never actually ran off to do that other stuff although I was always trying to develop a celebrity following among peers and mentors and trying to aim toward the commercial photography. But I am settled down here. I am truly settled down and aiming at being a total wedding specialist. I'd still like to travel in a domestic way, here and within the wedding industry to destination weddings.

Niching over to wedding photography.
Now the time has finally come in the Summer of 2022 for me to make a major commitment to my favorite niche. I am moving my business to the east coast of Florida to pursue participation in the wedding industry in a much bigger way. I am really looking forward to meeting all the lovely dedicated. serious wedding professionals who I've come to know and love on social media. I am very excited about meeting all the newly engaged couples so I can get down to some serious business shooting weddings. I leave my once little but growing town behind, which has been good to me in commercial photography business, because it's just not the best location for my current business endeavors. Smaller local weddings are certainly not profitable enough for a wedding photographer. More often than not, the locals are choosing a wedding venue that's in a popular tourist destination. Whether it be theme park, historical or coastal.
I have moved to the east coast where the action is.

I'm ready to shoot your wedding. ​

Let me shoot your next wedding.


Book Your Wedding With Me

You want the absolute best

professional photos ,right?

You know I'm a great photographer, right?

You want me to shoot

your event ,right?


Choosing a wedding photographer

is a major decision.

I'm going to make this decision

very easy for you.

So, you're ready to take the next step to

book your wedding with me, right?

I want you to be confident,

in knowing that you,

have made the

right choice,

choosing me.

I am going to perform a sample photo shoot for you.

Instead of basing your final judgement on photos,

that I've taken of other people,

let me show you ,what I can do for you.

You can feel confident choosing me,

based on how much

you love the photos,

 that I've taken of










What I do for you

So this is what I'm going to do for you

when you schedule a session with me.

With me there's no limit .

There's no limit to what I could do for you .

There is no limit  to what I'm willing to do for you .

I am going to do everything it takes to get the best of you.

To show the best of you in your photos.

To bring out the best of you.

To capture the best of you.

 I'm going to talk to you .

We’ll have fun.

I'm going to tell you stories.

 I’m going to ask you to tell me stories.

We will have a discussion .

You’ll relax.

I'll take a lot of warm up shots.

When you relax you’ll be ready to do a little posing.

There's no limit to how many shots I will take of you.

There's no number of pose limits.

No limit to shots.

Then I will take as many shots as I have to ,

until I capture you.

 the real you , the way you want to be captured .

& I won't stop until you're satisfied .

I’m going to give you the best of me .

in order to capture the best of you.


When we’re shooting on location

we’re going to go out and take a walk,

maybe  around the lake or the park.

Maybe drive around to scout locations.

We’re going to go and try out several locations.

walk here walk there .

check out the light .

see what location puts the best smile on your face .

maybe bring a change of clothing.

  Whatever it takes.

  I'm going to do it for you.


When we’re shooting on location.

 shooting the family ,bringing the kids ,

 let the kids play a little . talk , laugh ,

warm up.  put some smiles on their faces,


In studio or on location ,

right from the very start,

 I'm going to start shooting.

 I'm going to start shooting you the second you get to me.

 Okay whether it's on location or in the studio while we're warming up I'm getting to know you. Sitting , standing, prepping, grooming,

 I'm going to shoot every aspect of the whole session until I've gotten to know you so well that when I finally provide you with photos they are going to be the best professional photos that capture you the way you want to be captured.

I’m going to give you the greatest

professional photos.


Don’t settle for a cheap , condensed , contrived, convoluted , limited , time restrained photograph from a  department store or an unimaginative photographer who has no creative interest in you.

 I am an artist and you are my subject.

When I shoot you

we are creating a work of art.

God created you.

You are an original work of art and deserve to be captured in an artistic light.

 You need and want an artist like me to depict you , to depict your family’s , your children's’ , style, warmth , love , relationship , character, humor, enthusiasm or lack there of , if you choose.

 Whatever you choose,

I will create it for you.


Portrait photography 

for business , corporate, private , websites,

social media , family occasions, birthdays,

business cards, ads , fun or necessity.

Occasions, parties, rituals, celebrations,

weddings, anniversaries, events.


Making it Real and Keeping it Real.
When it comes to the importance of post processing, my earliest days of learning photography , from the post process end of the business,

involved developing photos for medical emergencies and health department investigations, following the progress of a preemie through a family's months of grief, hope, life-and-death moments.

When accuracy was crucial, I got my life lesson in making photos REAL. Getting real life, real true to life, photographic results ,were a critical necessity to my customers.

Real true, real light, real people, real photos.

Real color. Color theory was one of my specialties

which I concentrated on in art school.

That's why today, I can deliver a quality, on time product, because I possess knowledge ,education and real life experience in the photography world.


Quality Performance
Quality Product
Reliable Delivery





Laura Marie Pepsin

is a self employed

business woman , business owner.

Professional photographer in Eastern Central Florida.  
I am the owner of a professional shooting studio
specializing in event, portrait and commercial photography.
Member of
The Saint Cloud Chamber of Commerce 2017 2018
Member of
The Florida Professional Photographers Association 2017 2018
Lauramarie Pepsin Art Galleries
is my legal business name and
owner of Laura Marie Pepsin Photography in Eastern Central Florida.
Lauramarie Pepsin Art Galleries encompasses all the ownership
of the Arts of Laura Marie Pepsin,
photography, music composition , books, published author, artist, painter. 
Read more.



I shoot Canon 
Able to shoot in many environments.

You already know that I am a great photographer, but do you know that :

I have had careers in the beauty product education and salon industry ,as an artist, in advertising & marketing, event planning, doing  trade shows & workshops management, working with models on stage, in shows, in salon & studio, restaurant & hotel catering industry, so , I have been behind the scenes of the modeling  & wedding industries, not just behind the camera.

I know my way around many industry & industrial situations.
Experience working with individual models
and beauty shows ,trade shows ,
beauty salons , beauty workshops , hair dressers ,
platform artists , make up artists. 
Experience working with beauty industry professionals ,
executives , buyers ,designers ,boutiques ,
Experience working in food preparation ,
management of hotel-motel ,
restaurant  , banquets , catering ,
funerals , weddings
trade shows, event planning.
Published author , composer.
Experienced graphic designer, creative designer, copy writer,
working in advertising , artist ,
working with printers , publishers, 
Experience with automotive industry, car shows , dealers , collectors.
Experienced in operations, procurement, purchasing, trading, traffic,
shipping, containerizing, warehousing , management .
Experience with special needs persons youths and seniors. 
If, I don't have experience ,shooting your situation,
I am very patient and willing to make a generous effort. 
I'll work even harder to make sure you’re happy!

Country & Coastal & Suburban

Beach & Lake & River & Park & Farm

I live a Central Florida lifestyle.
Town & Country.
Most of my life, I lived in the suburbs, with a country vibe,
living near lakes and woods. I always had the privilege 
of enjoying very close, nearby country life.
I've lived near and loved the Jersey Shore, Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, I crave the ocean air , river breezes and beach sand.
As of autumn 2022 I am now becoming a coastal person again.
I love living along the beautiful Indian River Lagoon.
I've loved the Catskills and the Pocono mountains.
I vacationed in the Adirondack mountains in Autumn,
and Cape Cod in Summer. I was an avid photographer,
of a highly competitive nature and I entered a lot of ,
photography contests. Somewhere among Adirondack magazines my photos are published.
I don't know where anymore.
I did live in the country, in the mountains ,a couple years.
When I moved here, there were cows grazing across the street.


Don't judge me by my Eastern Central Florida lifestyle.

I actually lived in the big beautiful metropolitan Tri-State area

near NYC, Metro-Newark, NJ for 9 years.

I have all the urban experience necessary 

to capture your city vibe.

I have spent most of the years of my life,

since I was born, soaking up the NYC vibe,

for fun, dining, entertainment and work,

pounding the pavement of Madison Avenue, looking for advertising work, and design work in the garment district, and took great pride in being a patron of the Arts.

My parents, born in the city, became suburbanites,

but my grandma lived in the city

and made it a regular part of my life. Grandma taught me from an early age, about people watching and skills of observation. She would take me to NYC and we would hang out and soak up the vibes and observe the hustle and bustle of city people, shop, go to shows and eat. She also inspired my love for fashion designing and photography. She was quite the professional diva, as a woman with a love for fashion , she worked for Lord & Taylor and had the privilege of working with famous models and designers, celebrities and the wealthy ,in a day when famous people shopped just outside the city, at a very popular upscale N.J. location.

Working after long sabbatical involved with family
responsibilities keeping company with
and care of senior family after deaths in family
and elderly family death.
Studio building began in 2015, remodeled in 2018,
Studio physical location in business since 2017.

I studied the arts & communications in college and worked as a photographer in my 20's then moved on to other careers which gave me phenomenal life & business experience, including the beauty industry, advertising, executive experience, trading, brokering ,buying experience and more, but moving up the corporate ladder seemed to result in moving to another industry, so, I left the arts behind .

I returned home to Central Florida to accompany, stay with , elderly family in 2002 and started shooting again. Getting back in touch with lifelong connections in the beauty industry, I developed a following as an artist , author, photographer , all over again.

I began building the physical studio in my home in 2015 after my mom was diagnosed with cancer and passed away , only a few months later, suddenly on Christmas eve-eve 2014.

Sunsets were my mom's greatest passion. After grandma passed away, mom and I planned on starting the studio together, after she was feeling better ,but our plan ended abruptly with her death. We hoped to bring all the lovely people of Central Florida into our beautiful home studio to service all their photography needs, and do some traveling too.

Meanwhile, I have enjoyed life in Florida. 

I made a lot of new friends. I have settled down. I have consciously made a commitment to this beautiful Central Florida.

Moving to the Coast

The beaches, riverfront , lagoon and coastal communities are are oh so popular and favorite destinations for weddings. 

The last surviving patriarch of our family, my uncle has passed on to be with his wife, my aunt, my mom's sister, our grandma, my mom, his sisters, parents and all the many lost loved ones gone on to heaven. We no longer have the need for this huge house intended to accommodate seven generations of family , five generations have lived here and all the future generations to come. We're down to two generations, us two cousins, and neither of us had children, so , no grandchildren and great grandchildren. This old house will have to carry on to the seven generations of someone else's family now. I look forward to living closer to the coast. I am from the Jersey shore and crave the ocean air , river breezes and beach sand. Twenty years here is long enough. I have loved participating with friends fishing and boating on lakes and rivers and surf fishing too. Certainly I love the whole beautiful state of Florida, the coastal and inland communities. 


There were building delays and two hurricanes

ETA was June, then September . We had a September hurricane.

That got the whole state delayed doing everything. The store shelves were empty.

There was absolutely no gas at any gas station. Travel was difficult.

Then it was October. 

We were hunkering down for a hurricane.

I had a rare November hurricane for my birthday!

Updates. So it took a year and a half to pack up and move the big house by myself , got all the preparations for selling the house done, they sold the big house, and I am in the new house, I am  getting set up, still unpacking, but the house is in good shape and a lot of the unpacked stuff is somewhat hidden.  I finally have time to concentrate on getting to know everyone. I have time to get on social media and network. I have time again to get into wedding business webinars and getting education.

I am Coastal

 I am finally settled down in a beautiful coastal community on the Indian River Lagoon.​

Once again loving the ocean air , river breezes and beach sand.

2024 As The Autumn approaches I am looking forward to cooler weather and getting more unpacking done. There were moving and unpacking delays. There was hurricane stuff , complicated timing and another delay.
 It has been a three year journey to relocate.
I am ready to get going on my new business in Spring 2025.
I am really looking forward to getting out on the road and meeting everyone!


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