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The Education Tool Kit Is Updated for 2021. Ready for 2022. Updated for 2023 .

Writer's picture: Laura Marie PepsinLaura Marie Pepsin

The Education Tool-Kit

Poetry and life stories and musical art.

These musical new age versions help the reader to get engaged

in the book experience rather than just the average read along.

Own the BOOKS and Music to read along. Poetry and stories interpreted through ambient new age sounds, echoes, reverberations, resonations, chants and vocalizing.

Music that accompanies the books for the reading impaired , disabled , handicapped, or hands free readers,

listen in the car, listen while traveling, exercising, working.

Not recommended for deaf readers. The music is artistic ambient embellishment and not a replacement for audible book versions which may be purchased through Amazon.

At Lauramarie Pepsin Art Galleries , we care . Updated for 2020/21/22. Ready for 2023. The Education TOOL-KIT Books and Music The Urban version and New age version , although separate , actually go-together hand-in-hand today. I THINK THAT WITH WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE WORLD TODAY ,THAT KIDS COULD BE LOOKING AT THE PROTESTERS AND WONDERING ,WHAT IS CHANTING? HOW DO YOU MAKE YOUR OWN? THE NEW AGE VERSION AND THE URBAN VERSION SOMEHOW ,TODAY ,CAN GO TOGETHER.... Help for reaching the otherwise unreachable. Help for teaching the otherwise unteachable. Help for motivating the unmotivated. Help for encouraging the un-encouraged. Help for educating the discouraged. Help for alerting the abstracted. At a time when supplemental educational methods are being employed , during school closures , home education , sick-leave , rehab, Summer break...Summer school.... Catch-up time ... Time when learning is free & easy but still essential. GET the whole package. Own this now. It's really easy to do. Buy the books. The music is FREE on YouTube. A comprehensive collection. Get the original paperback book or Kindle. A must, to read along. Get the New-Age version, chants, meditations book & two CD's free on YouTube. Get the Urban CD Musical storytelling free on YouTube. A free download auxiliary link will be provided, for all of the refrains, creative echoes and subtext, not included in the original book, that have been used to artistically embellish the urban music. OPTIONAL get the instrumentals. Contact me anytime with questions about how to combine the books and music. Unlike classical writers, I am still alive and well and available to answer any of your questions. Ask me anything, about the story, the motivation, the plot, the analogy, the translation, the meaning. I am an open book. IF you are a parent , or work as an administrator, teacher, student-teacher, tutor, volunteer worker. IF you are working with children or learning disabled adults at home or at the district level, in a school building ,or any type of school, at any grade level, in any classroom, at the library or media center, in a computer lab, or home. IF you are a student ,and want to get creative, with your reading & writing. What problem(s) do you need help with solving? Attention deficit ? Disinterest ? Media imposing ideas on children? How do you answer their questions about what's happening in the media today? How do you take what's concerning the children, about happenings in the news and media and social media and utilize the opportunity to teach TEACH TEACH TEACH !!!!!! How do you get students to " READ & WRITE " if they don't want to? Interest them in relevant subjects? Students find subject matter to be meaningless and a waste of time? The fact is , unfortunately, that bad stuff in the news, violence, corruption, crime, is capturing the attention of folks, better than the good stuff is. Especially the kids. Convert relevancy of subjects in the media into educational lessons. What can this tool-kit do to help you? Why is my solution better than others? It all adds up. All the elements go together. A comprehensive collection. Poetry often works. It is ,after all, the root of all popular music lyrics. If they won't read, then read along with musical versions of the poetry. Audible books can be dull and lifeless for reading impaired persons of all ages. That's why I have published a collection of musical adaptations of my poetry book. I published books on Amazon. My original paperback ,from which this education project was derived and modified ,is great reading for anyone. My books are free on Amazon Kindle Unlimited. My audible books are free on YouTube. The poetry has been made into art forms , combined with music, rap, chant, etc. intended for educational purposes mostly. I converted my poetry book into musical art for the handicapped or for hands free reading ,but also for educational purposes, for people to just have fun with it . These versions help the reader to be engaged in the book experience rather than just the average read along. My books are fun for older children and learning disabled adults. The subject matter of chanting may be fun and relevant since all the protesting is happening now. Chanting is an ancient and modern form of expression. It can be religious, political, spiritual, and motivational. Repetition is the key. Clever and meaningful repetition is results oriented. The meditations book is geared toward learning how to make a fun chant. I made this for the handicapped because having my book converted to just an audible book was dull. These musical adaptations of my book are fun for the disabled. The subject matter of the original book ,is not for very young children, but could be ,under adult supervision. Intended for people who find learning to be dull. It's something different. Something to get them reading, listening, writing. The URBAN subject matter maybe a little unfamiliar, for some children or disabled adults, but okay if accompanied by an adult. The URBAN content is relevant to stories in the media that children or disabled adults, may be asking questions about, in the light of today's news, the subject matter is quite current. The URBAN content is available in the original paper back and accompanied by a fun musical CD, to listen and read along, find the lyrics among the poetry in the book. The meditations book and two CD's are about sounding out tones and copying sounds, repetition, rhyming, learning how to put words together, for reading challenged students, or older disabled children and adults, or physically disabled persons, accompanied by fun music. This book and CD's have multi-faceted intentions, also geared toward exercising, for disabled persons, to meditate, have fun with words, to diminished the exercise mat dull-drums, especially good for physical therapy, rehab exercise, build & create your own mantras for success. Rhyming, a flow of words ,will help you to meditate on needs , realizations, purposes , goals , wants , solutions ,sources , causes , visualizations , astrology , religion , faith , answers , questions , priorities , limitations , preferences , paths. I THINK THAT WITH WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE WORLD TODAY ,THAT KIDS COULD BE LOOKING AT THE PROTESTERS AND WONDERING ,WHAT IS CHANTING? HOW DO YOU MAKE YOUR OWN? THE MEDITATION VERSION AND THE URBAN VERSION SOMEHOW ,TODAY ,CAN GO TOGETHER.... Relevant to what's going on in the world today, my books seriously address issues about corruption, brutality and injustice, bullying and general cheating and unfairness. Lessons to be learned. Missions in life. Quite a bit of my writing is also romantic. A little bit of it ,is about how promises deceive us and let us down. Plans don't always work out ,the way we planned. My book may appeal to science-fiction and video game enthusiasts, because, it touches on the subjects of space, stellar & planetary concepts, astronomy & astrology. The point of it, is about how things that are going on in the world ,most often are manifested eventually in art, in the form of music or writing or painting or film, theater and dance, and lastly in the form of humor which is an art form, an outlet for human frustration ,just like the other artistic expressions are ways of looking at the world, without engulfing ourselves in sickness and hatred. A comprehensive collection. Own this NOW. Complete these steps. Get the original paperback book or Kindle.

you will see the “Get the Audible Audiobook for this Kindle book” Get the workbook ,chants, meditations book & two CD's. ambient music instrumentals included. CD 1 & 2. FREE download on YouTube Paperback workbook or Kindle download the Urban CD.FREE on YouTube Urban Lyrics Supplement Download FREE Echoes, Refrains & Subtext , Auxiliary Urban Lyrics. GET the whole package. It's really easy to do. Own several copies of the paperback workbook for group lessons. OPTIONAL, get the instrumentals separately. Symphonic instrumental from Fields of Plain FREE download on YouTube Astral Poetry Meeting of the Mind Instrumental FREE download on YouTube


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