Obviously , as with any photographer and business owner in 2021, my sales goals have to be my priority this year after a long work-free hiatus due to government health restrictions, social distancing and cancelled gatherings, especially since gathering and social closeness are primary components to this photography business.
This time-out for me has been a time for getting education.
I am watching seminars, workshops, courses.
I am aiming at attracting new photography clients.
I aim to connect with my target audience.
I spend time learning who my ideal client Is.
I love figuring out who you are and finding out about you.
Are you my ideal client ,where do you shop, eat, spend time, what do you value and care about?
While I am advertising, I concentrate on SEO and add hashtags for our beloved city and neighboring communities to increase our chances of being discovered when a client is searching for vendors.
I like sharing the names of local venues and vendors.
Would you like to be added to my website?
I encourage all of you, and my past clients, to send me new clients.
Being relevant , but not too niche to the point of being limited , allows me to reach multiple audiences and target clients and vendors who I most want to pursue with the greatest effort.
I am aiming at building relationships with vendors to work at getting referrals for potential clients.
To really motivate our relationship, I'm asking vendors what I can do for them to provide them with value.
What's happening with your stories and experiences?
Tell it to me. I want to hear it all.
I care about showing clients who I am. I share my personal stories and experiences about myself to connect with you, my clients.
I network with other professionals.
I am a photographer in a very competitive region where we neighbor Orlando, Florida, a major metropolitan tourist area.
You, my clients , love knowing about who the the face behind the camera is and learning about who I am, so I make sure to post on social media.
In order to attract the right clients for my business, I want my potential clients to know that I am not just a business, I am a photographer with a heart, a personality, a life, a past, experience and education.
Probably as my client you'll feel like you already know me by the time that you request a consultation or fill out a contact form, which makes my job of collaborating with you, as my potential client , nearly accomplished by the time I meet with you. Certainly sales is a necessary component of attracting clients for my business but you can surely sell yourself on me after you explore my very informative website. I aim to make this very easy for you,
My blog and website provides you, my clients ,with a sales pressure-free way to connect with me by sharing information, education and stories on topics that I know you care about.
Whether it's how to pose in front of the camera or questions you need to ask me as your photographer before you book me, or things you need to tell me about your appearance, things that you want to minimize or not show at all in your photos, as my beloved clients you will value my expert guidance as you traverse your way through a serious decision making time.
Ultimately it's Important for you, my photography clients, to find me. I am a strong brand using social platforms of advertising and marketing, so you, my clients , may find me because I keep a consistent social media presence by keeping an active presence on social media for those of you who are shopping around for a photographer and wedding vendors.
I am using social media as tools for my business not just as personal platforms, to help my business grow.
I update my website with relevant images and write relevant articles with useful, informative content on my blog.
I have endless topics to talk about that I can share with you, my client, on my blog and website.
Running a business and providing essential services to you ,my client , takes time. You always think you’ve covered everything but something new nearly always comes into consideration. That's why I take the time as a serious seasoned professional to commit myself to being comprehensive.
Certainly I am trying to get more bookings.
Photography comes with a lot of challenges to be a working success story.
I pride myself in standing out from the crowd.
Check out my website, my ideas , my role as your photographer.
My most important challenge is getting new customers on a regular basis.
I always go the extra mile to make you feel cared for and happy.
Most certainly I am utmost polite, caring, helpful, empathetic and sincerely interested in you, so I make myself available whenever you need me.
I am a professional photographer, so every project I shoot is new to me and every new client allows me a chance to create unique images for you.
My aim with you, my client , is to create images that make you happy.
Happy & satisfied clients is what motivates me to do my most excellent work.
Shooting you, my client, is a responsibility that I take most seriously.
