Tragic, fatal flaw. This is a specific sort of flaw, also known as "Hamartia", which is possessed by Aristotelian tragic heros. It is a flaw which causes an otherwise noble or exceptional character to bring about their own downfall and, often, their eventual death.
I have a lousy memory.
That's great because I am constantly getting re-educated.
I find that is my flaw in a good way, not quite so fatal.
That which does not kill you makes you stronger.
It's a blessing.
It keeps me fresh.
It keeps me on my toes.
I'm not an educator .
I can't eloquently explain everything in detail and make it understandable so readily.
I have trouble walking the walk and talking the talk.
Often people come up to me ,start asking me questions about photography and I’m like yeah I'm great at it , I know how, to do it , I do it. I do it well. Quite well.
as I uh can't do the whole education thing and yet I meet other photographers in public sometimes and they're like shoving it down people's throats every detail of everything they know about everything every detail about the camera, they got the manual memorized and I have a terrible memory and I have to look everything up every time I do it , so it's new to me all the time which is good because that makes my work look fresh that's actually positive for me that I have to re educate myself about everything I do constantly because it does keep my work looking fresh.
I have used so many cameras in my life, bought & sold so many and I cannot always readily remember which one does which . Jump to it when they snap their fingers? Maybe not. Stop and think.
These people who are constantly shoving their knowledge down people's throats are quite stale.
I have bought & sold so much photography equipment in my life , I honestly cannot always remember if I still have it in inventory. Can I use it ? Can I do it? I dunno , gotta go look it up.
I am constantly getting up to date and educated. I follow all the education which is generously put out there by the distributors who really do it to sell cameras and equipment, electronics stuff. I love Adorama and B&H. As for my latest faves I will recommend Pye Jirsa @ SLR Lounge,Ben Hartley,Easton Reynolds,Fstoppers. All of them provide quality education.The Directors Chair Ezine is awesome for film directing.
Check out the PPA for webinars. We like Remote Pilot 101 for drone education.
I follow so many photographers who offer education online. I took a course in film directing online.
I am constantly getting educated. I watch all the how-to videos on YouTube. I follow all the photographers who offer their photo shop tips.
I follow the trends in photography.
What’s hot in food photography this year?
Is everyone doing that dreamy soft focus thing everywhere?
Is all close-up a trend? Or food landscape with crazy depth of field that sees the whole room in the background and sends the viewer into an addiction of restaurant dreams aka. food poisoning?
Does it look like the eats are available in an overcrowded noisy cheap watering hole ? Yummy stuff and music too.
What's making people eat this year?
Fusion or confusion ?
What’s fashionable in photography?
Candid vs. classical pose.
Minimal vs. drama.
Vivid vs. natural. Real estate grass this year is like neon green.
Blogging. People don’t wanna make up their own story every time they see a photo. One picture is not worth the proverbial thousand words. We want a million words. They want a description to get the story straight , to get the mental juices flowing. To stimulate the correct receptors.
In studio or on location. Certainly I get to know my subject.
Shooting headshots in public is trending.
But be careful when shooting on location. They take you to a familiar spot. Surely they want to be captured in a natural way where they can relax and be themselves They have stories and memories there that you cannot see. Are they expecting you to capture a side of them that isn’t immediately evident? Ask some questions about how they want to be portrayed.
A studio portrait may be a better option. There you can sit and talk and relax the subject and get to know them without time restraints , distraction or interruption.
Live & learn. You shoot headshots in public only to find out that that blue sky clouds look is hanging on a curtain rod in your studio. so you photo shop in a background, but thats okay the natural light was lovely. The exercise ,fresh air and sunshine put a lovely smile on the models face. Happy surely helps the subject. Inside & outside can compliment each other , combining the two is great.
Faux Film look vs. digital reality. I have a lifetime of experience which includes a professional career in shooting film and expert film editing & processing & finishing. I actually know how to edit film and photos the old fashioned way with chemicals and brushes as well as automated processing , reading densitometers , balancing chemistry.
Animals. Check out our lovely teen birthday party equestrian shoot.
Look for our drone coverage of a cattle ranch. Baby cows are so cute. The neighbor's quarter horses visited too.
Aerials. YES I drone and drone well. Yes I am a FAA part 107 educated
pilot ,but I am the amateur pilot in comparison to my expertly part 107 educated co-pilot who has been a recreational pilot all his life. He knows all the trick flying stuff and is always getting up to date and learning. I'm a photographer more than a pilot but when we put our heads together we drone great. He flies and I edit in photoshop.
We produce results that will help you sell real estate.
We are in it to win it for you real estate agents !
DSLR’s are still the only serious option for professional results.
Videographers with video cameras vs. DSLR ?
DSLR is the only professional choice.
Amateurs can video anything with a camcorder, which is why I do not consider myself to be a videographer.
You can hire a young school kid or old-timer videographer cheap to cover an event, likely you don’t need quality videography, its just about getting it all in, the good the bad and the ugly, which is why you never want your event publicized on a professional website, because it’s not pretty. I only capture the good stuff for you so I don't have to spend endless hours making it look respectable. Your guests can phone video the other taboo stuff.
I shoot serious video. I back up my video work with professional photos. My clients allow me to show a lot of the work that I produce for them. I do mean produce.
A professional photographer produces and directs .
Yes a still image producer & director.
Scene blocking.
Story boarding.
Choosing how many people are in the shot.
What just happened & how the next scene begins & plays through.
How the next scene continues to propel the story forward.
Not everybody all at once. Various scenes contain a varied mixture of the people ingredients. When viewed together they tell a whole story.
In the Big Chill he explained how the average viewer only looks at your work for the duration of a bowel movement. Thus the need for speed.
The videography trend is dependent on the attention span or lack thereof of photography clients. The secret to truly professional photography is gripping the attention of the viewer with still shots that propel them into a frenzy of looking that they just cannot quit.
They can even look at photos off-the-john. Anywhere anytime.
We cannot hope for viewer constipation.
We must fight viewer diarrhea with captivating , unforgettable , compelling work that captures attention.
Verbal diarrhea does not make you a professional.
No-one ever said “I talk too much , I am a boor,
I spew therefore I am”
I think therefore I am.
#LauraMarie #photographer #photography #SaintCloud #Florida #Saint #Cloud #photography #studio #dronephotography #aerialphotography #portraitphotography #headshots #realestatephotography #Photography #Blog
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