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This pelican photo was taken at Cape Canaveral ,Florida at Grills restaurant. Like to see more ? check out beaches & coastal places and birds in the sporting & recreation section.

Certainly I am looking for people who are interested in hiring me as a professional photographer. Reaching out to people who like people and love to network, build & grow their network, socialize, talk , expand their horizons. Surely you will find me to be worthy of recommending. I am reaching out to you, although you may or may not be in my general vicinity. More often than not I am finding that no one really shops around in their own backyard anymore. I get recommendations all the time, from people farther away , who heard of someone seeking a photographer in my area ,Central Florida. Nearly everyone has friends and family outside of their neighborhood, for example, just recently I needed help with my PC and called the phone number which was answered by a lovely gentleman in India, far from Central Florida, and I was searching for services and had to talk to someone in Fort Lauderdale to get the connection I needed .

Last but not least , please enjoy my websites, there are lovely enjoyable photos for every taste.

I also publish books, videos,music, audible books.


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