Biketoberfest 2016. Thursday October 13th 2016 will go down in history as a great time for me. I left my house at 5 AM, got to Daytona in the early hours, had a Starbucks coffee and apple fritter. I arrived at sunrise. I got as close to the beach as I could, given the fact that the beaches were closed for safety reasons following the hurricane. I cruised a while around town with the other early birds who could not wait to get the party started. I arrived at Main Street Station, my intended destination, in the early hours of the first day of Biketoberfest. I watched the day unfold as vendors unveiled their fabulous goods. Food vendors prepared delectable treats worthy of memorable vacation moments. Bands did sound checks and filled the air with pre show humor. The weather was so beautiful, a perfect mix of partly sunny. Partly cloudy, partly sunny made my nose a little red. Fortunately the lovely gracious hospitable Main Street Station has umbrellaed tables which provided me with the shade I needed. While enjoying the music and drinks I had a front row seat to watch the celebration grow with positive vibes of anticipation, excitement, expectations hanging in the atmosphere. the joy was contagious as these incredibly lovely bikers came out to display their pride in their cultural choice to ride the illusive steel horse. Everyone met me with the most lovely smiles and gestures, some of which I cannot mention, but I am confident they were terms of endearment. People posed and smiled and waited for me to photograph them in their natural environment, such a beautiful opportunity to share in the culture that I admire, adore, and dream of joining. As an avid fan of motorsports I thrived in this immersion of steel prowess shooting everything in site, trying to truly capture the whole spirit of the event. There was of course an underlying celebration this year for Biketoberfest, as we all survived the hurricane and were thankful to be alive and to have had such an expedient clean up as well as cooperation from the utilities to get this event underway on time. In the spirit of promoting this very landmark Biketoberfest, to celebrate the spirit of necessary human involvement, to make people see what they are missing if they do not attend, I am making my photos available immediately, raw ,untouched, un photo-shopped,

un-edited, in hopes of getting as many people as possible out there to Daytona this weekend. Let's make this a memorable record breaking attendance in support of this strong resilient community that can't be broken by a storm. Photo uploads are in progress and links will be available very soon. Look at these photos, go there, see it for yourself. An event that must be seen. Go to Daytona Bike week and Biketoberfest. Bikers photos can be found in the sporting & recreation section of my website.
#DaytonaBikeWeek Thank you all you lovely people for allowing a non biker civilian like me to come out and photograph your beautiful bikes and faces. Its a privilege to have photos of you grace the pages of my website 2016 2017 2018.
Thank you bikers for bringing all your beautiful bikes for us all to see ! Cheers till next year !