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Support The Arts
TIPS are welcome! Thank-You!
My donation option is for people who get my books and music for free and want to make a small donation.
If you have been entertained by my work please consider making a donation to Laura Marie Pepsin Art Galleries.
A humanitarian effort.
I published books on Amazon.
You can look them up on my website blog.
My books are free on Amazon Kindle Unlimited.
My books are on Amazon Prime and audible art is free on YouTube.
The poetry has been made into audible art forms , combined with music, rap, chant, etc. intended for educational purposes mostly.
I converted my poetry book into audible art for the handicapped or for hands free reading but also for educational purposes for people to just have fun with it .
It's purely intended for humanitarian purposes. People who get my books and music for free can make a small donation.
I have been entertaining the masses worldwide since the internet began. Long before any internet existed, my art was given freely to people everywhere.
It was not always a paying job. However, I gave of myself because God gave me the gift of art.
Now in the age of the internet, my websites have given endless entertainment to everyone for free.
My music, the audio art for the handicapped is on YouTube free and my books are on Amazon prime and free on Kindle unlimited.
If you have been entertained by my work please consider making a donation to
Laura Marie Pepsin Art Galleries.
a humanitarian effort
a comprehensive collection,
by Lauramarie Pepsin Art Galleries
Photography and Poetry
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